Parking Information
Below you will find information related to parking options related to the property.
- Location: Located on DeSales Street
- Hours of Operation: 24/7
- Parking Managed by: PMI Parking 202.785.9191 (ext. 426)
- Visitor Parking: XXXXXXXX
- Access: XXXXXXXX
- Daily Rate: $13.00 - up to 1 hour $17.00 - up to 2 hours
- Monthly Rates: Standard: $302 Reserved: $604
- Towing: XXXXXXXX
- After Hours Parking Questions: XXXXXXXX
- Lost Parking Card: PMI Parking 202.785.9191 (ext. 426)
Bicycle Racks & Storage
- Located: Located in the garage
- Bicycle Storage Agreement Form (add link if applicable)
Car Charging Stations
- Located: XXXXXXXX
- Service Provider: XXXXXXXX (link)
Contractor Parking
Contractors who are doing work for a tenant in the building must request a parking pass.
- Passes may be obtained at XXXXXXXX
- Cost: $XX per day
- Parking Location: XXXXXXXX